Educational Material

For Teachers & Parents

Nature Lessons in your Schoolyard

Nature Lesson in Your Schoolyard guide has adapted GLE’s to outdoor activities. There is at least one activity listed for grades K-high school. Observation and hands-on environmental science can have a long lasting impression on students. Get outside with your students and tell us how the lesson worked out. This guide was created by Stacey Leah Scarce to present at Louisiana Environmental Education Symposium.

Nature Journaling

These journaling activities are meant for everyone. It’s amazing what you can learn by being quiet for a few minutes in nature. You can nature journal anywhere outside, a park, a schoolyard, a backyard, under a tree, a nature center or any other place you can sit quiet for a few minutes. These activities are great for honing observation skills and learning about the natural world around you. They can lead to questioning the processes observed and a eagerness to explore more on your own. This guide was created by Stacey Leah Scarce to present at Louisiana Environmental Education Symposium.

LA Black Bear Game

The Louisiana Black Bear game is a sort of board game where the students are the game board. Through choices we make, the Louisiana Black Bear population can stay the same, increase or decrease to extinction. This game was created by Stacey Leah Scarce, in cooperation with the Black Bear Conservation Coalition, as an educational tool to educate students about the plight of the Louisiana Black Bear.

Helpful websites for adults:

Recommended Websites for Kids:

Bio-Diversity 911: Saving Life on Earth

EPA Student Center


Recycle City

Kids Saving Energy


Sea Turtle Conservancy

Advanced Recommended Links

If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder…, he needs the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with him the joy, excitement and mystery of the world we live in. — Rachel Carson